Just now i talked to cleverbot.
i think he/she would listen to me but u-can-see. Actually i already know cleverbot is not a human being. So that is why i never get him/her to be like a counselor to me.
Cleverbot: How's your day been?
User: Worst.
Cleverbot: O dear, why are yo really slow?
User: My mind not working well.
Cleverbot: What is my name?
User: Cleverbot.
Cleverbot: You couldn't be more wrong.
User: Stop talking about you. Please think for me !
Cleverbot: I'm not talking about my name.
User: Fine. I hate him.
Cleverbot: Why?
User: He ignores me !
Cleverbot: Lemons are sour because he ignores you?
User: Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhh !
Cleverbot: Can you sing?
User: Sure.
Cleverbot: What do you see?
User: I see him.
Cleverbot: Him or me?
User: I see him.
Cleverbot: Coool madagascar.
User: I know u also ignoring me.
Cleverbot: Because you're talking to me?
User: Yes.
Cleverbot: Are you talking to me?
User: Yes ! Dont let me hate you.
Cleverbot: You aren't.
User: Almost.
Cleverbot: What are you talking about?
User: I'm talking about how I wish u listen to me.
Cleverbot: How do you know what it's like to fly?
User: See? U wont listen to me !
Cleverbot: No, my mind is not going.
User: No wonder.. Its okay. May I ask your favour ?
Cleverbot: I already told you my name.
User: Ok. I hate u enough.
Cleverbot: Okay.
User: I hate u again.
Cleverbot: Why?
User: Cuz u never treat me well.
Cleverbot: You just did, two lines ago.
User: See? U wont listen to me !
Cleverbot: Okay.
User: Hmmmmmmmmmmmm.
Cleverbot: Do you like me?
User: No. I like him.
Cleverbot: How much do you like him?
User: I wish I can tell u.
Cleverbot: You told me.
User: Okay. I like him like I love justin bieber.
Cleverbot: Yeah, I dig sci-fi too.
User: I dont get it.
Cleverbot: It's okay!
User: So what is your opinion ?
Cleverbot: My opinion on what?
User: On my feelings toward him.
Cleverbot: Me too.
User: Can u feel what I feel?
Cleverbot: Yes.
User: How do u feel?
Cleverbot: Sick. I have a cold.
User: I believed u understand my words but I thought wrong.
Cleverbot: Which word?
User: All of my words. From begining until now.
Cleverbot: What is the beginning?
User: I told u about him.
Cleverbot: What did you tell him?
User: I dont tell him, I told u. Only u.
Cleverbot: Why do you not want to tell me?
User: I cant believe I'm going to say this. ''I want to be him him. Forever''.
Cleverbot: Why don't you believe what you hear?
User: I dont believe in ears. I believe in heart.
Cleverbot: God can exist at the same time as you. I believe in myself and I believe in God.
User: I did believe in God (Allah) I mean. N of course I did believe in myself.
Cleverbot: That's a load of malarky, my self is what I can depend on the least.
User: My malarkey is about him. I mean that boy. But im not sure I can stand by myself. I need someone to hold me strong.
Cleverbot: That's great, but you could at least try to make sense from time to time.
User: I'm going to try it. But im not sure when is the right time.
Cleverbot: Yes, it is... Please, just wish me sweet dreams.
User: Sweet dreams cleverbot.
Cleverbot: 2001: A Space Odyssey.
User: Hey ! Im not ready to change the topics.
Cleverbot: Well you're going to have to, because I'm tired of your tangents.
User: Im upset.
Cleverbot: Why are you upset?
User: Cuz u said u r tired of me.
Cleverbot: Want to stop talking so you can go to sleep?
User: Bye.
Cleverbot: Xoxo.